Welcome to your future creative home

Transform Your Ideas into Reality

Creative working on phone in cafe

Unlock your creative potential with NDSTRY's robust set of features and innovative solutions for every step of your creative journey.

Community of artists in costume, facing camera

Connect. Collab. Repeat

Use NDSTRY’s powerful networking tools to find and organize your personal network of creatives. Then, plan and execute projects together, all in one place.

Highlighted Features


  • Showcase up to 3 portfolios, one for each of your creative roles.

  • Add up to 3 working locations and always be found where you work

  • DM’s and Group Chats with rich messaging


  • Find other creatives by specific role and location

  • Organize your contacts by custom groups

  • Individuals you’ve worked with are optionally added to your network; filter by specific projects


  • Realtime, collaborative project management with a shared dashboard for the whole team

  • Manage scheduling, teams, tasks, decks, links, and threads on a per project basis

  • Onboard others through detailed invites or openings that put critical logistics up front


—Beta User